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Category: Psi

Shuli Wong

Major: International Affairs Minor: Public Health and Chinese Language and Literature Pronouns: she/her Year: Sophomore SIR class: Psi...
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Mic Pichitkarn

Major: International Affairs Minor: Political Science and Economics Concentrations: Security Policy Pronouns: he/him Year: Sophomore SIR class: Psi...
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Jaden Mahler

Major: International Affairs Pronouns: he/him Year: Sophomore SIR class: Psi...
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Grace Truong

Majors: International Affairs and Environmental Justice Pronouns: she/her Year: Sophomore SIR class: Psi...
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Emmer Rice

Major: International Affairs Minor: Public Policy and Criminal Justice Concentrations: Conflict Resolution Pronouns: she/her Year: Sophomore SIR class: Psi...
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Emma Rudzinski

Major: International Affairs Minor: Peace Studies Concentrations: Security Policy and Conflict Resolution Pronouns: she/her Year: Sophomore SIR class: Psi...
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Elizabeth Vasko

Major: International Affairs and English Concentrations: International Development Pronouns: she/her Year: Sophomore SIR class: Psi...
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Devika Mukherjee

Majors: International Affairs and Economics Concentrations: International Development Pronouns: she/her Year: Sophomore SIR class: Psi...
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Ashka Jani

Majors: International Affairs and Economics Minor: Political Science Concentrations: International Development Pronouns: she/her Year: Sophomore SIR class: Psi...
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